Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Like Summer Time Chi

These are just the first of my pictures
A reflection picture of me at the cloudgate
The ever-so excellent cloudgate!  The coolest piece of public art as far as I'm concerned
A shot of chicago
A shot from millennium park, a famous artsy public park in downtown chi 
A funky weird piece...pig car?  
Thorndike miniature rooms!  Little tiny models of rooms.  Lot's of ones belonging to names I recognized from AP Euro.  They had a bunch of american rooms but NO NORTH CAROLINA!  What the fuck?  We are famous for our furniture.
My favorite painting!  There was one artist, very creepy and cartoonish that I like, but his name is slipping me...
I saw this store and wanted to steal all those shoes.
A corner near my hotel.

More pictures on the way!

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