Tuesday, March 10, 2009


An activity we're doing in class called a 3x3 "Revision, Creation, Artistic Expression"
All I have right now are Creation and Artistic Expression
Here is what I'm about to turn in tomorrow

Creation (The Bookshelf):
Sun Magazine October, 2000 pg. 41-42
I picked this letter because I struggle with my own body image.  I am not enamoured with how I look, but I do appreciate my curves.  It was so refreshing to read the story of a woman who gained weight and dumped her husband for dissing her.

When you see all the things a woman should hate,
I see all the things a man should crave.
You see muffin tops, pudge, and extra baggage;
I see Botacelli, Ms. Monroe, and classic curves.
When you say "Be like you used to be",
I say "Kiss my lucious ass goodbye."

I feel lighter already.
And I still look hot.

Artistic Expression (Dramatic Monologue):
This character monologue is based off of the female character in a recent freewrite entitled "Girl, You'll Be A Woman, Soon" (based off of the song title prompt)

Roger, I don't care.  I don't care that you're seven years older than me, I like you.  I liked you before we hooked up, and I like you after.  I'm not one of those people who just drops their feelings.  I mean, I wasn't planning to coerce you into hooking up-  you're the one who made the first move anyway.  And it doesn't even bother me that you were drunk. I mean, I had fun, and I know you did, too.  Good Chemistry doesn't have an "18 and over" age limit, and I- I just feel right around you.  And I feel like we have a lot of the same quirks and- I know that you're leaving for Chicago soon, and we probably won't see each other again.  I don't know if I can make the age difference not bother you.  You're leaving the day before my birthday.  But we're friends before anything else, right?  You and Nora have been insisting on getting me something, and I know what you can get me.  Don't buy me anything- just pretend I'm your twenty some year old girlfriend.  You know what, I would settle for piece on the side, too, you wouldn't even have to pretend to really like me.  Call it whatever you want, but I- I like you.  A lot. 


Anna Wallace said...

oh shit! i can't believe i did it wrong....poooooooooo

jules said...

oh gril, i love the first piece. The blog tittle is from kate nash, pumpkin soup.

jules said...

girl you know i drink those egg creams all the time, it's a southern thing. Remember mcdonalds on ninth before it was ox and rabbit? they used to have them as well.

Graham said...

Yo son I know all about that MC Chris.
Was going to his concert in Feb, but I got sick.
My dad went instead of me and got MC Chris is Dead on vinyl and a shirt for me.

But yeah, music is fun.

Right now I'm listening to Cars.
ie one of the best songs.

jereme said...

move to canada and/or france.

age is 14 there.

your character can get his/her bone on and not feel social pressures.